Carl Pettit

A Look at How the Rest of the World Celebrates Christmas
Christmas traditions around the world can be quite different from what we’re used to at home.

5 Scary, Creepy and Unsettling Things About Christmas
Christmas is the time of giving and families, but it also has a darker side.

The 5 Best Santa Clauses on Film
Santa Claus, who without a doubt really does exist, doesn’t have time to make a personal appearance in every Hollywood movie about Christmas ever made. Instead, he relies on a number of talented actors to portray him on the silver screen.

When Did Mrs. Claus Get Introduced?
Santa Claus, that jolly fellow who races across the sky in his reindeer-pulled sleigh on Christmas Eve after judging who has been naughty or nice, needs no introduction. But his wife is another matter.

Who invented Sunglasses? The Answer May Surprise You
When you’re out in the bright sun, and you want to have some fun without squinting for hours on end, you need a pair of sunglasses to shield your eyes.

What’s The Real Story Behind The Expression ‘The Real McCoy?’
When you’re faced with the real McCoy, you’re dealing with the real thing. It isn’t a copy or near likeness. It’s the honest-to-goodness genuine article.
It doesn’t mater if you’re talking about a valuable coin, a leather sofa, a bottle of whiskey or a living person.

The 10 Wildest Roller Coasters on Earth
If vertigo isn’t an issue for you, and you have no problem keeping your lunch down while hurtling through space, then you just might be a roller coaster fan.

Why Bruce Lee Still Rocks — Life Lessons
“A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure, or hire a bodyguard.” – Bruce Lee

Woman Drives Through Building, Runs Her Ex-Husband Down
It’s never a good idea to infuriate an ex-wife or estranged husband with a score to settle. You never know what your former life partner is capable of. One man, living in Utah, discovered just how angry is ex-wife really was at him. Brenda Christine White drove a Ford Explorer through an office building in Salt Lake City and attempted to run her husband down.

16-Year-Old New Yorker Wins ‘Fastest Texter’ Second Year Running
Maybe you thought your thumbs were fast, and you could pop out text messages at remarkable speeds. Well, perhaps you should think again. A 16-year-old New Yorker was just awarded the top prize for the second year in a row at the LG US National Texting Competition.

10 Everyday Foods That Are Surprisingly Healthy
People are always trying to eat healthier or lose weight. The media sends out a constant onslaught of new information about what you should and shouldn’t eat.

10 of the Strangest Hotels on the Planet
Sometimes a bed is just a bed. It’s simply a place to lay your head down for a good night’s sleep. But sometimes a bed, and the room it happens to be in, is an amazing work of art, located in a bizarre place full of fascinating sights. Most of us have stayed in hotels during our life, some better than others, but how many people can say they’ve slept in an underwater hotel, or one built out of ice