Chip Sandalwood

Patriotic American Movies: 10 Films That Honor the USA
For all the industries that have been shipped overseas, America is still the entertainment capital of the world. And what better way to celebrate our great nation than with its greatest exports?
In honor of July 4th, here are 10 patriotic classics that are sure to turn the silver screen red, white and blue.
![Garrett McNamara Surfs Record Breaking 90-Foot Wave [VIDEO]](
Garrett McNamara Surfs Record Breaking 90-Foot Wave [VIDEO]
In the world of big wave surfing, there’s Garrett McNamara and then there’s everyone else. Not content to simply surf by on big waves, McNamara recently set a world record for surfing the biggest: a 90 foot monster off the coast of Nazaré in Portugal. That’s taller than an eight story building!
![Man Breaks Record for Unicyling On Top of Beer Bottles [VIDEO]](
Man Breaks Record for Unicyling On Top of Beer Bottles [VIDEO]
How high do you really need to be to feel like you’re on top of the world? For 25-year-old German unicyclist Lutz Eicholz, the answer is only a few inches off the ground.
That’s how high he was when set the world record for the longest unicycle ride on top of a row of beer bottles earlier this year in Tel Aviv, Israel.
![Moose Rescued From Swimming Pool by Firefighters [VIDEO]](
Moose Rescued From Swimming Pool by Firefighters [VIDEO]
How many firefighters does it take to get a moose out of a pool? No punchline here — the answer is nine.
After vaulting over a fence and falling through the pool cover on the night of October 7, a full-grown moose found himself stranded in a backyard swimming pool in Manchester, NH. Local firefighters staged an emergency rescue, catching the whole endeavor on camera.
![Wild Turkey Goes After Local News Reporter [VIDEO]](
Wild Turkey Goes After Local News Reporter [VIDEO]
Thanksgiving is still more than a month and a half away, but wild turkeys in the Arden area of Sacramento, CA seem to be on high alert for hungry humans.
After hearing numerous stories of rogue turkeys chasing after joggers, Sacramento News10 producer Duffy Kelly set off to investigate the claims herself and wound up with a vicious fowl hot on her tail. Well, maybe it wasn’t all that harrowing,
![Amazing Robot Gymnast Nails High Bar Routine [VIDEO]](
Amazing Robot Gymnast Nails High Bar Routine [VIDEO]
The Olympic Committee may not have any plans to allow robots into the 2012 Summer Games as of yet. But if they have a change of heart, we know at least one robot who will be prepared.
Robot NO.8 Kovacs is a small Japanese robot who has the type of skills on the high bar that even the best gymnasts would envy. While he does need a little help getting onto the bar, once he’s up there, his moves can’

Ouch! Bike Racer Completely Forgets About Hurdle
When it comes to traditional forms of bike racing, staying on the bike is rule number one. With Cyclocross on the other hand, dismounting and dodging obstacles is par for the course. While we’re sure Cyclocross is tons of fun, from the looks of this video, it can also be pretty painful if, like Joey, you don’t see an upcoming hurdle and take a spill on the track.
Don’t worry though, Joey was compl
![Woman Walks From California to New York City [VIDEO]](
Woman Walks From California to New York City [VIDEO]
When it comes to walking across the country from California to New York, “for the heck of it” is as good a reason as any. In fact, in an age where publicity and profit seem to be much more common motives for this type of quest, 24-year-old Catherine Li’s largely under-the-radar 3,000-mile trek stands out as a true exception.
![Awkward! Zoo Employee Helps Koalas Mate [VIDEO]](
Awkward! Zoo Employee Helps Koalas Mate [VIDEO]
It only takes two to tango but if you’re koalas trying to breed in captivity, it really takes three to do it right. Filmed at Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou, China, this video shows a dedicated zoo employee going the extra mile as she provides a little bit of extra support to the loving koala couple.
![Returning Soldier Surprises His Mom at Work [VIDEO]](
Returning Soldier Surprises His Mom at Work [VIDEO]
Soldiers know the value of surprise, especially when returning home from active duty to their loved ones.
When Joey found out he was getting sent home from Kuwait two weeks earlier than anticipated, he spent the three months prior planning to surprise his mom at the UPS sorting facility in Lansing, MI where she works.
![Tortoise Races Old Man in Motorized Wheelchair [VIDEO]](
Tortoise Races Old Man in Motorized Wheelchair [VIDEO]
The tortoise may be able to outrun the hare but he’s no match for the motorized wheelchair. Cruiser, a wily desert tortoise, is a fierce competitor, but an elderly, wheelchair-bound gentleman named Josef wins by a nose.
![TRON Guy Recreates Film’s Racing Scene With Duct Tape [VIDEO]](
TRON Guy Recreates Film’s Racing Scene With Duct Tape [VIDEO]
TRON Guy Jay Maynard is back and this time he’s got a little bit of corporate and creative muscle behind him. Created by San Francisco based agency Ryactive for Duck Brand duct tape, ‘Duck TRON’ is a colorful, duct tape send-up of the sci-fi flick’s famous racing sequences. And who’s the ‘user’ behind the races? Maynard, of course.
The video, which went live less than a week ago, has already ra