GuySpeed Editors

Sloppy Robber Leaves His Resume at Victim’s Home
"Attention to detail" is probably not something this guy needs to put on his CV.

Heartbroken Piano Man’s Plan to Win Back Girlfriend Ends With a Punch
Breaking up sure is painful.

Rejoice — Playboy Is Bringing Back Naked Women
It's the biggest news for men since discovering breasts.

Christie Brinkley Returns to Swimsuit Issue at Age 63, Poses With Her Daughters
A different kind of family portrait. A better kind.

Well-Mannered Boy Asks Permission to Curse Out Brother
Never has rage been so politely expressed.

Is This Bird Saying ‘Thank You’ or ‘F— You’?
That is one fowl-mouthed animal. Or maybe not?

Scissors Stuck in Man’s Stomach Since 1998 Finally Removed
You can forgive this man for complaining about sharp pains in his stomach.

Poo-Pourri Is Here to Make Pooping on a Date a Total Breeze
Of all the things that can go wrong while on a date, your bowels deciding they're to come out and play is chief among them.

Watch This Hero Chug Three Liters of Beer in 30 Seconds at Oktoberfest
We're getting bloated just watching this.

Random Phone Number Job Reference Prank Works Like a Charm
If you're looking for a job, this is a guy who'll do what he can for you. Even if he's never met you.

Girlfriend Is Totally Bamboozled by Pizza Conundrum
How much pizza is enough? That's a problem this woman simply can't figure out.

This Penis Prank Is So Stupid It’s Actually Genius
Your inner 12-year-old is going to love this.