Mike Adams
More Workers Want Extra Cash Rather Than a Holiday Party — Dollars and Sense
More employees wish their employers would just skip the holiday party this Christmas season and show their appreciation with cold hard cash instead, according to a recent survey by career site Glassdoor.
New Study Finds That Brazil Is the Leading Crack-Cocaine Market
The world might be a giant asylum of soul-sucking gutter junkies fighting for their next meal on the excruciating edge of a devil-sharp machete, as new research pinpoints crack-cocaine usage in the millions, with Brazil the world’s leading a speed-freak society.
According to a recent study conducted by the Federal University of Sao Paulo, about six million adult Brazilians have tried cocaine produ
Brussels Plans to Battle Offensive Language With Hefty Fines
Brussels, Belgium, has unleashed a sonic street sweeper into the city, hoping to curb the verbal cesspool coming from the mouths of its citizens and, in turn, make the city a more habitable community for its residents.
According to a spokesperson for Brussels mayor Freddy Thieleman, any form of insult, be it racist or homophobic, offensive language or words used to sexually harass someone in publi
Unsurprising New Research Finds Bar and Restaurant Employees at High Risk for Alcoholism
Bartenders can make a lot in tips, one of the upsides to working in the bar or restaurant industry. However, a new study suggests there is a major pitfall to employment in a business where booze is served: it is a common breeding ground for alcoholism.
Australian Mother of 12 Gives Birth to Quintuplets
One busy mom is about to get a lot busier, as she has just given birth to quintuplets, making her brood of 16 children one of the largest families in the Australian state of Victoria.
Earlier today, the 48-year-old mother of 12, who has apparently mistaken her body for a clown car, welcomed five new additions to her family to the tune of two boys and three girls (one of which, sadly, died just bef
Roseanne Barr Tweets Billionaires Are ‘Violent Pedophiles’ and ‘Coke Addicts’
Well, don’t expect to hear about Roseanne Barr receiving any large contributions from billionaires looking to support her Roseanne for President 2012 campaign anytime soon.
New Research Reveals Overweight Teens Get Bad Grades
There are many dangers that can come from being an overweight or obese teenager, including the risk of developing chronic conditions like heart disease, Type-2 diabetes and stroke.
However, new research indicates that teens suffering from obesity might be at risk for acquiring more than just poor health, but lower school grades as well.
How Much Is the Tooth Fairy Paying These Days?
Some of us can remember a time when losing a tooth meant that we might find some spare change underneath our pillows the following morning.
However, according to a recent survey by credit card company Visa, the days of a fallen chomper being worth chump change are long gone.
Walmart Tests iPhone App to Speed Up Checkout Process
Walmart, the world’s largest retail chain, is currently testing a “scan and go” iPhone application that would allow customers to scan items as they shop and pay more quickly and conveniently at a self-checkout counter.
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
It has been predicted that by 2020, the United States will experience a nearly 14.5 percent labor increase, making room for an additional 20 million new jobs as the result of this country’s growing population and competitive marketplace.
New Research Reveals That Most Employees Want a Do-Over Career
If while you were sitting at work a strange man walked up to you and handed you a magic wand that was said to hold magical powers that would allow you to abracadabra yourself from your current career to a new one of your choice would you do it?
Where Are the Most Expensive Cities in America? — Dollars and Sense
We all want to stretch a dollar, but there’s one place in America that it’s getting harder and harder to do so.