Mike Adams is a literary slop zombie; a mutt breed of surrealism and violence; a man who likes his metal heavy and his rock southern. In May of 2007, he boldly published a book of maniacal short stories entitled ‘Toilet Bowl Soup: Redneck Tales from the Armpit of America’ - selling more than 10,000 copies worldwide. However, in 2010, he released ‘Toilet Bowl Soup: The Holy Sh*t’, which sold about 100 copies - if you count close friends, relatives and other people who felt sorry for him. Mike Adams also co-stars in the films ‘Watch Out’, ‘Phone Sex’, ‘Wamego: Ultimatum’, and ‘Trust Me’. He has also contributed music to the movie “It Came from Trafalgar” starring Hank Williams III and Gunnar Hansen from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Mike Adams currently resides in Southern Indiana where he writes for a number of Townsquare Media websites, HIGH TIMES, Playboy's The Smoking Jacket, and Hustler magazine.
Mike Adams
Famous Musician Mug Shots
In the wonderful world of music, there is no shortage of musicians who disguise themselves as lunatics, drug fiends, and gun totting thugs, to keep all of us regular folks copiously entertained.
Can You Actually Be Scared … to Death?
The next time you think it would be funny to scare the living daylights out of someone, you might want to consider this: medical experts say that an intense fright can severely stun the heart, enough even to kill a perfectly healthy human being.
2014 Corvette Stingray Will Cost About $52K for Base Model
Prepare to take out a second mortgage on your home or perhaps even sell off your first born, because General Motors announced earlier last week that the 2014 Corvette Stingray will cost around $52,000 – and that’s just for the base model.
Pamela Anderson Unleashes Her New Look
While the videos of a nude Pamela Anderson at sea with legendary Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee are forever burned inside our perverted memories, her latest fashion statement indicates that her days on that particular kind of sea voyage might be behind her.
Get Kidnapped on Purpose in Detroit, Michigan — Go Here
In certain parts of Detroit, it's a relatively easy task to get yourself kidnapped, pistol-whipped, or blasted in in the nuts with a stun gun. If it doesn't happen on it it's own though, you can always pay for it.
Would You Dare Drink a Ten Year Old Beer?
While alcoholic folklore often paints a rotten picture of a man on a mission to drink himself blind with things like household chemicals, kerosene and anti-freeze, it is the consensus of “the committee” that not even the most desperate of the breed would dare knock back a bottle of decade-old beer.
Why Does My Beer Smell Like a Skunk?
It does not take the well trained nose of a beer aficionado to determine if a beer has gone bad or not. No sir; upscale brew connoisseur and backwoods drunkards alike know that there is only one word to describe the putrid scent of beer gone rotten – and that is “skunk.”
DIY Home Brew System Lets Even the Chemistry-Challenged Brew Beer at Home
The art of home brewing can be a challenging process, as it involves a bit more chemistry than most of us are willing to endure to catch a good old fashion beer buzz after work. Until now, that is.
School Bans Musical Because Elvis’ Lyrics Are Too Sexual
Nearly forty years after his death, Elvis Presley is still getting some parents in Utah “All Shook Up” over lyrics they say are too sexual for students to perform in their high school musical. The complaints that ultimately led the school administration to ban the production.
Russia Finally Admits That Beer is an Alcoholic Beverage
There has been some speculation, throughout the years, that drinking booze can lead to intoxication, or even alcoholism. Because of this, Russia has finally decided to officially declare beer an alcoholic beverage as a means of keeping their citizens from turning into full-blown boozehounds. Like us Americans. I mean they didn't say it was because of us, but it's a good bet.
Man Written Up at Work For Farting Too Much
Well, that stinks! Now you can be written up farting too much around the office.
Drunken Man Goes for Joyride on Airport Runway
An airport can be one of the quietest places in the world to spend Christmas Eve; that is as long as there isn’t a deviant bartender somewhere in the place feeding last-minute travelers a high-octane concoction of holiday despair and Makers Mark. At that point, everything from hurt feelings to an international incident is possible - and highly likely.