Does it seem like we're getting lazier as a society? So lazy that even speaking is too much work? Not only is an extra syllable to much work for our mouths to muster, but now we're dropping letters too? In the past few months the word 'baby', as in your significant other, has been replaced simply by 'bae' (pronounced "bay").

Interestingly enough, while Nate and I were doing the morning show today, he discovered that the word 'bae' comes from the Dutch and in fact means poop, crap, feces or dung. Some term of endearment, huh?

But sometimes, people aren't even dropping syllables, they're just using a different word with a different meaning all together. For example using 'jelly' as opposed to jealous, 'cray-cray' instead of crazy, and 'totes' no longer means bags but 'totally' instead. Or take it up a notch use 'Totes McGoats' meaning a level of supreme awesomeness.

What about people who say "LOL" out loud? What other word abbreviations drive you mad?


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