Bob Evans Recalls Sausage Chubs For Possible Rubber Contamination
Check your sausage chubs!
(Side note: did you know those tubes of sausage are called "chubs"? That's how the USDA refers to them...)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Thursday that Bob Evans is recalling 4,200 pounds of pork sausage product "that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically thin blue rubber".
Bob Evans learned of the possible contamination through consumer complaints.
According to the release, the raw, pork sausage item was produced on December 17, 2020 and shipped to retail locations in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Here's the USDA's description of the recalled products:
- 1-lb. chubs containing “Bob Evans Italian Sausage” with lot code 0352 and a “USE/FRZ BY” date of “JAN 31 21” represented on the label.
The products also have establishment number “EST. 6785” printed directly above the “USE/FRZ BY” date.
You can take a look at the full label here.
The USDA categorizes the recall as Class 11: "This is a health hazard situation where there is a remote probability of adverse health consequences from the use of the product."
Check your fridge and freezer for contaminated chubs and don't eat them. The USDA says recalled products should be be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase.
If you have questions about the recall, contact Alison Emery, Director of Communications, Bob Evans Farms Inc. at 614-778-1886 or alison.emery@bobevansfoods.com.
Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider.