Couple Has Wedding in Ikea Where They Met
When we realized we had just bought napkin rings, a bookshelf, batteries and a giant sack of frozen meatballs, we realized you really can get everything at IKEA. Apparently, that even includes a husband.*
Eight years ago, Shirley and Berkely Smith met in the Elizabeth, New Jersey branch of IKEA. Shirley thought Berkely was pretty cute, so after following him around for a while to see if he was wearing a wedding ring (we dig her style), she sent her daughter over to ask for a phone number. Berkely didn't give it to her, because she was only 14 (triple-bonus not-a-pedophile points), but he did walk over to Shirley and give the number to her. They always knew that if they ever got married, it would be in the IKEA where they first met.
The couple was married in the exact spot they met, and they were given a suitcase with a sign that said "Just Married," full of gifts from IKEA as a wedding gift. Too bad our friends can't bet married in an IKEA -- how many more toaster ovens do we have to buy? HOW MANY?!!
*Past results do not guarantee future performance.