Detroit Teenagers Arrested After Murdering Couple And Their 5-Year-Old Son
Police have arrested two Detroit teenagers that they believe are in connection with the murder of a Detroit couple and their 5-year-old son.

Detroit's violence has become commonplace for a lot of us. Similar to Flint, violence tends to find its way back to Detroit almost like the whole population is under some type of spell.
Police say the suspects, ages 16 and 17, knew the victims. Detroit Police Cmdr. Michael McGinnis said Tuesday the teens were arrested Monday and lodged in the Wayne County Juvenile Detention Facility while police prepare warrants seeking murder charges. Source: NBC25.com
The motive hasn't been determined either, I can't imagine what happened that would lead someone to do something as horrendous as this. And from the details, it seems like the teenagers knew the victims. Which in the hood, is how 99% of killings happen. You usually get killed by someone you know. I don't know if that's a part of the current culture we're in or what, but violence seems to be more prevalent in more African American communities.
I bring up the culture as a problem because we glorify violence like it's the thing to do. The very culture I grew up in and became a part of is also molding the mind of the youth that don't understand how to critically think for themselves. I don't care how deep the beef is, there's no excuse for killing a 5-year-old child. That's just mental illness, and the culture is promoting mental illness every day with guns and dark lyrics. Just check NBA Young Boy's recent track firing shots at everyone in the music industry. Violence sells tickets, but at what cost? What can we do to start changing the mindset? Because this ain't it...