Packers Of Fudge Delay Line At Northern Michigan Airport
It’s a little known fact, but people in the U.P. of Michigan call us lower peninsula dwellers “Fudgies” because of the amount of fudge we buy and consume when on or around Mackinac Island.
Right now, you want to debate that name a bit right?
Don’t bother, because a picture of a sign posted at the TSA screening area of the Chippewa County International Airport (which is funny that a tiny airport is an international airport – “but they fly to Canada, Rob!”) proves that we trolls really love our Mackinac fudge.
The sign reads:
To speed the screening process, we recommend fudge be removed from your bag
Let’s think about this… we are packing so much fudge through this tiny airport, people are getting mad that they may be delayed for their 1 flight to Minneapolis or Detroit… both of which happen at completely different times of the day. They can literally just tell the pilot, “hold up, Bill, Tracy had a lot of “Fudgies” in her security line.” I’m kind of guessing the TSA security people may also be the ticketing agents, in that case you control everything!
But I digress, if you fly out of the Chippewa County International Airport in Kinross, Michigan, for the love of GOD, unpack your fudge first, so that Karen can relax and not need to see the manager who is also checking security and in charge of rental cars.
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