Get An Absent Voter Ballot For August 7 Primary
If you're expecting to be out of town on election day two weeks from today or are unable to attend the polls for some other reason, you still have time to obtain an absent voter ballot for the August 7 Primary Election. Click here for a Michigan Absent Voter Ballot Application. Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 2 p.m. the Saturday before the election.
According to the Michigan Secretary of State, registered voters may obtain an absent voter ballot if they are:
age 60 years old or older
unable to vote without assistance at the polls
expecting to be out of town on election day
in jail awaiting arraignment or trial
unable to attend the polls due to religious reasons
appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside of your precinct of residence.
Your request for an absent voter ballot must be in writing and can be submitted to your city or township clerk. (For assistance in obtaining the address of your city or township clerk, see the Michigan Voter Information Center.) Your request must include one of the six statutory reasons stated above and your signature. You must request an absent voter ballot by mailing the application, large print application, a letter, a postcard, or a pre-printed application form obtained from your local clerk's office. Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 2 p.m. the Saturday before the election.
Download Absent Voter Ballot Applications including a Fillable Version, Spanish/Español Version and Large PrintVersion.
Click here to locate your clerk then send your absent voter ballot application to that office.
Source: Michigan Secretary of State
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