The 2015 Cardboard Boat Races Today
The 2nd Annual Cardboard Boat Races presented by Porter & Heckman is going on today at The Lake Inn on Lake Nepessing from 12:30 until 5pm.
Boats build from cardboard, tape, glue, paint, wax and or rope. All racers must wear shoes and a life jacket. The entry fee for a two-man team is just $20 (cash only, no credit cards), and proceeds will benefit Lapeer Adoptable Animals!
It's happening today July 25th for the 2nd Annual Cardboard Boat Races, from Porter & Heckman, Lapeer’s Trial Lawyer Bernard Jocuns, Fulcher's Therapuetic Massage of Lapeer & Imlay City, CameraCrazy.com, HeavenlyCakeBalls.com, Rick Rhine Disposal and Lapeer County’s US103.1!