Golf Courses Reopen with Certain Rules to Follow
In the latest update in the stay-at-home order in Michigan, golf courses are allowed to reopen and welcome back golfers.
Now that Governor Whitmer has reopened the golf courses, many golfers are excited to get back out on the course. Keep in mind, if you decided to hit the course there are certain rules that have been put in place for golfers in order to keep social distancing practices.

The main rule is that no golf carts will be able to be used while on the course, so be prepared to walk your round. Other rules may be added from course to course as well. Some courses in the area have limited the number of people in the clubhouses, closed restrooms, removed rakes from the sandtraps, and other things. Another suggestion and/or rule being applied is that golfers not remove or touch the flagsticks.
I have to say, personally I think this is great. I went out to Swartz Creek Golf Course yesterday and walked the Executive Nine and enjoyed the hell out of it. All the golfers I saw on the course were following the rules and keeping their distance. When I arrived, the clubhouse was very clean. They were even disinfecting the pens and even disinfected my debit card before handing it back to me. It was great to get out and walk and get fresh air while swinging the clubs.
Source: Michigan.gov
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