Grand Rapids Made App ‘Tabby’ To Be Featured On ‘Shark Tank’
Is there truly an app for everything? Yes, there really is.
Tabby is a perfect example of that. Have you heard of Tabby? If not, it is Tabby is the Cat Persons Dating App. No, this is not a joke. This app is so real as a matter of fact, that its creators are appearing on an episode of 'Shark Tank' this week.

According to WZZM-TV, Tabby co-founder and CEO Leigh Isaacson D’Angelo and brand managers Nathan Kehn and Sterling Davis will appear on the popular show to tell the world (and powerful judges) about the app. I am no Mark Cuban or Lori Greiner, but this app sounds like a gold mine, or should I say the cats meow?
If this cat app has you thinking about creating a dog lovers app - forget about it. It's already been done. Dig, The Dog Persons App was produced by the same creators that are bringing us Tabby. Don't even think about a fish lovers app either. Isn't that what Plenty Of Fish is for? Wah wah.
So where does the Michigan connection to this app come from? I am glad you asked. Tabby was developed by Emberly Digital in Grand Rapids. According to Grand Rapids Magazine, the company was founded by brothers Cameron and Collin Versluis. The home base for the app creators is New Orleans.
Tabby (so to speak) will make its Shark Tank debut this Friday, October 29th, at 8:00 PM on ABC. I don't think the Tabby reps will be pussy footing around the sharks, go big or go home. Here is to a win for the Tabby team.
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