Happy Thanksgiving – What Are You Thankful For This Year?
I cannot stop thinking about the terrible home explosion in Flint yesterday. Unfortunately, there were two casualties, a 55-year-old woman and a 4-year-old girl. My heart breaks for the families involved.

It is unfortunate that it takes a tragedy, to remind you to count your blessings. Trust me, I am guilty of it too. Sure we all have problems, but nothing like what these folks are going through right now. We may not have everything we want (no one ever does), but if you have a roof over your head and your family is healthy, be thankful.
My family has a Thanksgiving tradition in which every year we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. If you don't do this with your family and friends, I recommend starting the tradition tomorrow. It sounds funny, but I always kind of tear up before my turn. I have a lot to be thankful for and for someone who talks for a living, I don't always do a very good job finding the right words.
I am not exactly sure what I will say tomorrow, and that is a good problem to have. I feel lucky to have many things to be thankful for. You may be surprised that I have never said I was thankful for tequila. I feel like that is always implied.
I do know one thing I am thankful for - you. Thank you for reading this article and for being a part of the Banana family. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
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