How To Work From Home and Not Lose Your Mind
Do you need motivation or have a problem turning work off at the end of the day when working from home?
What I am about to share with you isn't from a University of Michigan study or some expert in organization and productivity. I would like to share with you how I successfully worked from home for 7 years without losing it. Since most of us don't have 7 years to figure this thing out during the quarantine, maybe I can help.
Step 1: Change as little as possible.
- If you can't use the same computer at home that you did at your office. Set your home computer up to be as close to identical to your office pc as possible.
- Hold yourself to the same deadlines and schedule.
Step 2: Create a routine and follow it.
- Think about how you had a daily routine pre-coronavirus. Remember how messed up your whole work day would be when you veered off of that routine?
Step 3: Put pants on.
- This goes back to both Step 1 and Step 2. Treat your home work day just like an office work day without the commute. Get up, shower and get ready for work. I know working in your PJ's seems like the biggest perk to working from home but it can also take your head out of the game.
Step 4: When your work day is over...it's OVER.
- If you worked 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. at your office, you should do the same at your home office. When 5 P.M. rolls around shut that computer down and be a normal human. Don't let yourself fall into the laptop on your lap all night trap.
Step 5: Talk to a grownup
- If you don't have a job that involves you having video or telephone conference calls you may find yourself going days without talking to anyone other than your spouse, children and pets. Have a daily conversation with a friend. Your sanity will thank you.
You'll still have ups and downs. These are strange times. Allow yourself to feel down. However, going days without showering or putting pants on leads to a lack of motivation that will snowball quickly. Best of luck getting through this quarantine. I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

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