One Of Michigan’s Most Dangerous Roads Is Finally Being Rebuilt
I have lived in Kentwood since 2009 and there has been one road that has been the bane of my existence (and many other people's) for years: M-37, also known as Broadmoor Avenue and Cherry Valley Avenue SE. I would take it to visit my sibling in Battle Creek frequently and never liked it.

Heading south on Broadmoor eventually brings you to this two-lane road that just is not big enough for the amount of people who pass through there. It is a rather unnerving area to drive through, especially during rush hour times.
Well, apparently, I'm not alone in despising this area because the Michigan Department of Transportation has announced a proposal to completely rebuild this stretch of road, largely due to the high crash rates known for this area.
M-37 Rebuild Proposal
On September 10th, MDOT announced a proposal to rebuild and widen M-37, specifically the 2.7-mile section of M-37 in Caledonia Township and the Village of Caledonia.
The reason for this is that this two-lane road has "established crash patterns during morning and afternoon rush hours for years", with sections of M-37 having an 82% higher crash rate than other areas in the region. 62% of these were rear-end crashes at intersections due to traffic congestion. These stats make it one of West Michigan's most dangerous roads.
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On top of traffic concerns, this stretch of road was built in the early 1950s and the pavement and culverts are "approaching the end of their useful lifespan", according to the proposal FAQ. Overall, this whole road is in dire need of an overhaul.
Again, this is just a proposal, but as things stand, the plan is for the project to begin in Summer 2025.
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