Michigan has several slang words that are unique to our state.

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Off the top of my head I think of Fudgie which a tourist who is visiting one of several northern Michigan areas with shops selling fudge and ice cream.

Popular website Stacker highlighted some of the country's most bizarrely endearing slang by putting together a list of the weirdest phrases from each state.

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Before we get to Michigan's weirdest slang word, I wanted to share my favorite slang words from other states.

Massachusetts: "packie"

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

The phrase "packie," which is what people in Massachusetts call a liquor store, is thought to have originated in the post-Prohibition era when alcohol had to be packaged up after it was sold.

New Jersey: "jughandle"

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Credit: Canva

Also called "Jersey lefts," "jughandles" are basically roadway ramps where left-turning traffic is diverted to the right side of the highway or intersection.

Oregon: "spendy"

Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva

Rather than saying something is expensive, Oregonians often refer to it as being "spendy."

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This Is Michigan's Weirdest Slang Word

When it comes to Michigan's weirdest slang word we look to our friends in the Upper Peninsula.

Michigan: "yooper"

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Credit: Canva

Although the word "yooper," which connotes anyone from Mighigan's Upper Peninsula, is still mostly foreign to people outside the Midwest, it actually landed in the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 2014 after a decade-long campaign from an Escanaba man.

Do you agree that Yooper is Michigan's weirdest slang word?

I'd love to hear what you think, send me a message.

You Can Own Your Own 'Mini Resort' on an Island in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

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Gallery Credit: Wendy Reed

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