Illinois Passes New Purge Law
In 2013 the Purge movie series was created and since then we have had four new installments to the series. For some the movie is like the life they live, as we know, some people have committed crimes with no regard for the law as if it doesn't apply to them. The movies show a time in the American future where one day a year, all crime is legal, allowing for everyone to purge their bad and reducing crime levels.
I don't know about you but the concept is not only mind-boggling for me but also absolutely terrifying. I couldn't imagine being able to get away with doing whatever I wanted for 24 hours, but on the contrary, I'm more concerned with what others could or would do at that same time. Now for some, this scenario has been twisted but is a part of their reality.

Starting in January of 2023, Illinois will be the first state to institute a purge law. Slow your roll, this isn't quite like the purge in the movies, but can definitely be unsettling for those who reside in the state or visit frequently. Their law is a no cash bail law, meaning there will be no cash bail for 12 different offenses, even some violent offenses. This means these offenders will be back out in the public unless sufficient evidence is posted in 48 hours or less that proves they are a threat deserving to be locked away.
The law is called the SAFE-T Act and SAFE-T stands for Safety, Accountability, Fairness, and Equity Today and is said to be one of the first steps in marks a substantial step toward dismantling systemic racism. That plagues our communities, our state, and our nation and brings us closer to true safety, true fairness, and true justice. I understand the sentiment, but some of the 12 offenses make me scratch my head.
The 12 offenses that you can commit and then be rereleased before trial are questionable to some, including me, but according to the governor and the rest of the Illinois government, they are just the start of a bigger problem. The 12 offenses are Aggravated Battery, Aggravated DUI, Aggravated Fleeing, Burglary, Arson, Drug-Induced Homicide, Intimidation, Kidnapping, Robbery, 2nd-Degree Murder, and Threatening a public officer.
Like I said some pretty scary offenses are on that list, but it is just a pretrial release meaning they will still go to court to answer for their actions. It's a double-edged sword, right? Locking them up keeps people safe but costs taxpayers more dollars and overpopulates the understaffed jails and prisons. On the flip side, not jailing them leaves them out to commit more same or worse crimes or gives them an opportunity to flee the state and never answer for their crimes.