4 Crazy Things That Continue To Shock Tourists When They Visit Michigan
All of the things we love about our state that make it unique are all but foreign to the first timers who come to visit or vacation in our state. Most of them really need to visit both peninsulas to really get a grasp of what Michigan is really like.
There are so many different cultures, places, and people of historical importance to discover that one could be forgiven for needing multiple trips to get the full experience. But some things about Michigan really do baffle first-timers.

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There is a Reddit feed where people share the coolest facts that out-of-towners find super interesting. The four most relevant are the ones that really do make Michigan unique.
Water, Water Everywhere
You're never more than 6 miles from some kind of water, whether it's a river, a lake, or one of the Great Lakes. You are also never more than 85 miles away from a Great Lake.
Deep Waters
Lake Superior is so vast and deep you can cover all of North and South America in one foot of water with its contents.
Crops For Days
Michigan has the most diverse agricultural bounty in the US. Apparently California takes the top spot now but we are still 2nd in the nation - over 300 different crops!
Yes, This Happened
Saddam Hussein received the key to the city of Detroit.
I also have to give a tip of the hat to the person who brought up that back in the 1700s, The Pope declared the muskrat a fish so it was OK to eat in the Archdiocese of Detroit during Lent, and they've never rescinded it. I’m still not touching the damn thing though.
Long-Thought Extinct Michigan Fish, Shortnose Cisco Re-Discovered
Bet You Didn't Know These 11 Fun & Interesting Facts About Michigan
So you call yourself a Michigander, eh? How many of these fun and random facts did you already know about Michigan?
Gallery Credit: Lauren Gordon