So many actors and actresses are from the great state of Michigan!

When it comes to The Mitten, so many famous and notable people have been produced right here. Actors, actresses, inventors, athletes, and more. You name the profession and someone from Michigan holds that title.

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Last June we released a list of 30 famous actors and actresses to have been born in Michigan and have decided to add them to the list. For this list, the only requirement was just that. The actors and actresses had to be born in the state.

SEE ALSO: 30 Famous Actors and Actresses Born in Good Ole Michigan

While scanning through the internet, I decided to focus on actors and actresses you have seen many times, especially in recurring roles on TV shows. Quite a few of these celebrities below will take you back to your childhood or say something like "I didn't know they were from Michigan."

For example, I was a huge fan of Independence Day when it first came out and I had no idea that the guy who played "Miguel" in the movie was from Detroit. Also, another Detroiter on the list was in all three of Sam Raimi Spider-Man'll understand why when you get to that entry.

SEE ALSO: 13 Central Michigan University Alumni and Their Net Worth

Many of these actors and actresses can be seen on popular TV shows like Sons of Anarchy, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and a handful of soap operas. Enjoy the list!

Source: Wikipedia

17 More Actors and Actresses Born in Good Ole Michigan

Here are 17 more actors and actresses that you may or may not know are from Michigan.

30 Famous Actors and Actresses Born in Good Ole Michigan

Michigan has produced thousands of famous actors and actresses. Here are 30 that were actually born here as well. 

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