Hey Michigan, Keep These 8 Items Away From Your Router for Better Wi-Fi
Trying to find the perfect spot in your home to put your router can be challenging, especially with so many rules regarding where to place it and what you can sit next to it.
There are some items that you should keep away from your router if want to truly improve your Wi-Fi.
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Before we get to the list of items that you should keep away from your router, let's talk about where you should place a router in your home for the best Wi-Fi possible.
According to experts, you should not keep your router in the basement. You should place it in the center of your home, preferably on the first floor. You should also try to keep it off the ground at least 5-7 feet.
Keep These Items Away From Your Router for Better Wi-Fi
1. Fish Tanks
According to IFL Science, you want to keep your router away from big containers of water including fish tanks as they absorb radio frequencies.
2. Mirrors
Depending on where the router is placed next to a mirror, you could have a deflecting signal issue. You could also deal with this issue if it's placed next to metal objects as well.
3. Microwave
If your microwave sits on the counter, you might want to think twice about placing your router next to it. Apparently, the frequency they operate on, 2.4 GHz, is the same as your Wi-Fi.
4. TV/Electronics
You would think that by placing your router right next to your TV, you'd have the best signal strength possible. That's just not the case. As a matter of fact, it can seriously affect your wireless performance. The same goes if you place your router next to gaming consoles, DVD players, and other electronics.
5. Bluetooth Devices
If your router is sitting next to your Bluetooth speakers or headphones, you're going to have problems.
6. Windows
Windows? Why in the world would windows be a problem? Well, Comcast says that you're pretty much throwing half your signal out of the house if your router is sitting next to a window.
7. Cabinets/Large Furniture
It's also strongly suggested that you don't bury your router in a cabinet or place it behind large furniture such as your couch.
8. Cordless Phones
Most people don't have landlines in their homes anymore but if you do, keep your router away from your cordless phone. They operate at about the same frequency as Wi-Fi routers which may cause slow Wi-Fi.
Now, good luck finding the perfect spot for your router, it's not going to be easy.
I learned a lot while writing this article including the fact that my router is in the worst spot possible. It's in the corner of my basement surrounded by two metal electrical panels and a hot water heater. This would explain why I have so many Wi-Fi issues.