MI Family Devastated After Dog is Mutilated, Head and Legs Cut Off
A Wexford County family is devasted after their neighbor not only shot but also mutilated their family dog.
Last month, Samantha and Justin Olds' family dog, Bear wandered off of their property and somehow came into contact with their neighbor. According to Up North Live, Thomas Middaugh, 43, shot the dog several times with a .22 caliber rifle.
Middaugh didn't stop there. He allegedly took Bear back to his barn and cut off the dog's head and legs. He then wrapped him up in a tarp and hid him in a box in his barn.
Are you freaking kidding me? This is the kind of stuff we here about after a serial killer is caught. You always hear how their sick killing spree got started when they would torture animals.
Samantha Olds:
Just complete devastation because we were holding out hope that maybe he was just keeping him because he's such a good dog. But to find out that that's the way his life ended. And that was truly devastating to our family.
Middaugh was arraigned this past Thursday on one count Animal-Killing/Torturing and Habitual Offender Third Notice.
The main message that like is upsetting to me that I'd like to get out is just that he got a possible four-year felony, but it can easily be pled down to a misdemeanor so he could get no jail time at all for doing something this horrific and that just makes no sense to me.
If this guy doesn't get jail time, we've got a real problem with our legal system. They need to make an example out of this man. I mean, you can't just go around mutilating people's pets and get away with it. This dog was a part of their family and this man took that family member away.
Bear was a 7-year-old black lab.
He was just a big baby. Basically, he was just our snuggle bug. He would follow you from going outside and then he would follow you went to the bathroom like he just wanted to constantly be with you.
Middaugh is scheduled to be back in court on March 28.