Michigan Spring Forward – Daylight Saving Time Is This Weekend
The countdown is on to spring in Michigan.

The first day of spring in the Great Lakes State is Monday, March 20th. What happens before that day is something most Michiganders look forward to every year, turning the clocks ahead one hour.
Sure, we lose an hour of sleep, but who cares? The opportunity to spring forward means no more pitch-black sky at 5:00 PM. To be fair, you have most likely noticed that this is no longer the case. It is staying light longer because it is almost daylight saving time.
Can I get a drumroll, please? Daylight saving time changes on Sunday, March 12th at 2:00 AM. That is less than one month away, 24 days to be exact.
The next question is, will this be the last year in Michigan that we have to deal with this stupid time change? The answer is not clear as of now. Every year there is a discussion about getting rid of daylight saving time, but here we are again - gearing up to change clocks.
I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but chances are in November of this year I will be reminding you to get ready to fall back. Believe me, I hope I am wrong.
Until then, think spring.