Scotti's Coney Island, a family-owned restaurant in Burton, is no more, as it sadly burned to the ground early Thursday morning.

Burton residents woke up bright and early today (Thursday) around 5:15 a.m. to the sounds of sirens and the smell of smoke in the air. What many didn't realize at the time was that their favorite local restaurant was engulfed in flames.

Even though the Burton Fire Department sits next door to Scotti's Coney Island on Belsay Road, the fire was too intense and had already spread rapidly by the time firefighters arrived. ABC 12 reports that Lisa's Salon and Boutique, located next door, suffered significant damage.

It's unclear how the fire started but thankfully no one was injured.

According to comments made by Burton residents on social media, Scotti's Coney Island quietly closed its doors permanently this past week. We can't confirm that, but after a quick Google search this morning, it shows that the restaurant was, in fact, permanently closed before the fire started.


Scotti's Coney Island was originally a Seely’s Drug Store back in the '50s.

I hadn't been to Scotti's Coney Island since back in the mid-2000s. I was always confused about what was happening there, as it seemed there was always a new sign or mention of new management, or something to that effect. There were many changes over the years, but it seemed like the people who went there often loved it.

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