Surprise! Grand Blanc Alum Kept Very Cool Secret for 4 Years at MSU
Caeden Hunter will be leaving some pretty big shoes, or boots actually, to fill at Michigan State University after graduating.
As part of the MSU class of 2023, the Grand Blanc High School alum finished his time in East Lansing by revealing a pretty cool secret he's kept for four years. Caeden was not only a student in the College of Natural Science, but he was also one of the most famous figures on campus...Sparty.

For four years Caeden represented the green & white and all it stands for as the legendary mascot for MSU. Most likely one of the coolest gigs on campus, he entertained fans at games, traveled the country, and made people smile, but there was one little downside...he couldn't tell anyone.
The Secret's Out
One of the best-kept magical secrets in East Lansing is the true identity of Sparty. Not even his friends knew his alter-ego, that is until graduation day. In true icon fashion, the MSU honored and sacred tradition for members of the Sparty Mascot Program is to unveil their identity by walking across the stage at commencement donning shiny green boots.
Just like a rock star taking the stage, Sparty is met with cheers from the crowd as a thank-you for the dedication to such a legendary party of the MSU world, something Caeden Hunter won't soon forget.
"I loved every second of being Sparty! I was able to do some really cool things like traveling for sports and even weddings", Hunter told us.
How You Become Sparty
Hunter, a 2019 graduate of Grand Blanc High School, says he has his mom to thank for landing the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
"I got the job by my mom sending me a Facebook post she saw about the application. I applied and after a lengthy application process I was accepted to the Sparty program", Hunter told us. "My mom was a big party of me being Sparty. She's a Michigan State alumni and immediately thought I'd be perfect for it."
Yes, his Mom & Dad kept the secret as well for four years.
Caeden Hunter will now start a new chapter of his life working in Lansing at Emergent Bioindustries but is sure to take a little bit of Sparty with him. When asked what Sparty meant to him, Caeden summed it up by saying,
"To me, Sparty is a beacon of hope and joy. Whether our team is not playing too well, or he is at somebody’s wedding, he is enjoying every second of it. That energy that he brings to every situation is reflected in the people who are near him".
Now that the word is out, we want to congratulate Caeden Hunter on a job well done as Sparty and wish him well as the next chapter of his life begins.
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