Jack Osbourne Thinks the Government Is Hiding the Truth About UFOs

Jack Osbourne believes the government is hiding what it knows about UFOs from citizens.
Asked how the government would conceal this, the media personality and son of rocker Ozzy Osbourne opined to TMZ this week that the "people that are gonna know this stuff are the lifelong generals or the CEOs of these contracting companies" that work for the government — not necessarily presidents or Congress. Jack delves further into the topic in his upcoming special, Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs.
Watch the video down near the bottom of this post.
Jack told TMZ Live, "Over the last five years, I just think we're in the middle of a staggered disclosure."
Last year, the Pentagon confirmed the government still has no explanation for the scores of reports of unidentified flying objects investigated by the military over the years, including three videos taken midair by Navy pilots, according to The New York Times.
Jack continued, "The government knows exactly what this is. And they're just kind of [giving us] drips and drabs, kind of giving us scraps from the table. To not hit us with the hard news right away."
Presented with the idea that maybe the government doesn't have all the answers, however, he responded, "I think there's a huge portion of the government [that knows]."
Jack added, "I don't think everyone in Congress is sitting around like, 'Ah, there are 325 million idiots, we know it all and they don't' — although, that probably does happen a lot, but that's a different subject. But I do think they have a greater understanding of what we are encountering."
Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs, also starring Jamie Kennedy and Jason Mewes, streams on discovery+ from Saturday (Sept. 3). See a trailer below. The Osbourne family previously starred in the paranormal-themed The Osbournes Want to Believe on Travel Channel.
Jack Osbourne Talks UFOs on TMZ Live - Aug. 31, 2022
Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs Trailer
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