Kevin From The Machine Shop – Top 5 Little Debbie Cakes
The month of August marks the 62nd anniversary of Little Debbie snack cakes. The original image of Little Debbie used on packaging and advertising, which began on August 23, 1960, was based on a black-and-white photo. Full-color portraits of Little Debbie started later that same year.

Fast forward all of these years later and Little Debbie snack cakes are still a favorite treat for many people. That includes Kevin Zink, owner of the world-famous Machine Shop in Flint, Michigan.
Over the years there have been a few discontinued Little Debbie snacks like Spice Cakes and Coconut Sticks (crickets). The true favorites like Star Crunch and Nutty Buddy have stood the test of time.
If you went to school in the 1980's chances are you traded something out of your lunch box for a Little Debbie snack cake or at least attempted to. Trust me, no one was trading an apple or an orange for an Oatmeal Cream Pie. You had to have something really good (like a cigarette) for someone to part with a Little Debbie snack cake.
Little Debbie treats are a part of childhood and in the case of Kevin Zink, adulthood too. That's the beauty of being a grown-up, you can eat Little Debbie cakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
As you will see in the video below, Kevin is pretty serious about his Little Debbie favorites, but believe me - you will be laughing and most likely craving a Swiss Cake Roll after you watch it.