Kicker’s Bar & Grill Now Serving Machine Shop Beer
It's Friday, capacity for indoor dining has been increased, and so has the curfew for bars and restaurants, what other reason could you possibly need to treat yourself to a Machine Shop at Kicker's Sports Bar & Grill?

That's right - Kicker's now has the Machine Shop Imperial Stout on tap. I have a feeling if you are reading this at work, you are already putting a plan in motion to stop on your way home. That my friend, is a great plan.
You might as well make an evening of it and plan on having dinner. You know what pairs well with a Machine Shop Imperial Stout? Everything on the Kicker's menu. If you are observing Lent and need to eat fish tonight, no problem. Kicker's Bar & Grill is serving a fish and shrimp combo and a fish and macaroni and cheese combo.
Of course they will be serving all of your other favorites too from pizza, to burgers, to chicken wings and everything in between. You can check out the entire menu here, believe me when I tell you there is something for everyone at Kicker's.
In case you are from outer space, Kicker's Bar & Grill is located on South Saginaw in Flint. Did you think it was a Grand Blanc address? Me too! I have always said Kicker's, at the point in Grand Blanc. People know exactly where it is when you say the point.
Here is to a great weekend of great beer, great food and great friends. Send me a pic of you at Kicker's. Cheers.
Posted by Kicker's Sports Bar & Grill on Thursday, March 4, 2021