Lost Dog Slips Into Flint Drive-Thru Looking for Help…and McNuggets
A lost dog was spotted this week looking cute as ever at a McDonald's drive-thru window in Flint.
The older-looking husky was hanging around outside the McDonald's drive-thru on Bristol and Van Slyke Roads.
Facebook user Devan Melick saw the dog and decided to start filming. In the video below, you see the dog walk up between a truck and the drive-thru window. As soon as that dog got a whiff of what was inside and saw that food was being passed through the window, he calmly looks up like a good boy (or girl), hoping to get a treat.

Apparently, the husky got lots of treats that day as one woman mentioned on Facebook:
The owner was found. My friends work at that McDonald's they said they just kept feeding it until the owners were found.
Melick posted the video to a 'Flint Lost & Found Dogs' Facebook group page. Some group members had some fun with the comments:
He says them chicken nuggies are mine mama ~ Heather
Give that baby a cheeseburger ~ Kathy
Other people were going back and forth on whether or not the owners actually stopped by McDonald's to get their dog. From the way that it looks, the owners were found and at some point, picked up their dog.
I did see some comments on that same Facebook thread today that mentioned that the dog had gotten out and away from its owners again. Hopefully, he's found...again.