Make-A-Wish Surprises West Michigan Boy Battling Leukemia With Ice Rink
A 7-year-old West Michigan boy battling leukemia now has the ice skating rink of his dreams - and he got to meet Griff!

Fox 17 reports that Make-A-Wish Michigan has made a dream come true for Keegan Williams of Wyoming. The nonprofit organization that helps fulfill the wishes of children with critical illnesses built the hockey-loving youngster an ice rink in his back yard.
Make-A-Wish held a ribbon cotton ceremony for Keegan's new rink on Friday and invited a special guest, the Grand Rapids' Griffins mascot, Griff.
Keegan's mom, Rae Ann Elliott, tells Fox 17 that her son has adored skating from a young age. He was three the first time he got out on the ice. Elliot says,
He was out there with a snow suit on, you know, almost like a penguin trying to figure out, you know, how to walk on skates.
Three months after his first time on skates, Keegan came down with a fever and ear infection. After antibiotics weren't making much of a difference, his parents sought further help.
Rae Ann tells Fox 17,
So we took him down to Helen DeVos for fluids. and essentially the ER doc that walked in knew something was wrong. And we knew within three hours, four hours, that it was leukemia.
Keegan was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in 2018. Keegan's family says it has been an uphill battle ever since, with some days worse than others. For a period of time, Keegan had to cut back on all activities, including his beloved hockey.
But now, Keegan's health is improving and he'll be wrapping up treatment in May - and, he's back out on the ice, now with his very own ice skating rink!
So amazing to see! We're rooting for you, Keegan!
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