Michael Sweet: Stryper Deserves to Be in the Rock Hall as Much as Bon Jovi
With 2020 approaching, we'll soon hear the new nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Michael Sweet thinks Stryper deserves to be in the Rock Hall as much as any other band — including Bon Jovi.
"I think Stryper deserves a place in there at some point in time just as much as any other band, as much as Bon Jovi," Sweet told Misplacedstraws.com. "See, I don't view the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame based on numbers. That's not what, in my opinion, should get you into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame."
The vocalist continues to list the characteristics he thinks should get a band into the Hall, including longevity, legacy and quality. "It has nothing to do with, 'Oh, yeah, they sold 50 million albums instead of 10, or they packed out arenas to a hundred thousand people instead of 10.' That's got nothing to do with it. At least that's my opinion," he explained.
"Do we deserve to be in there? No, because we're no more special than any other band," he continued. "But at the same time, flipping that coin, if this band makes it in, then Stryper should make it in...We've done just as much and put in just as much time and gone through the school of hard knocks just as long as any other band."
The Hall is getting a new chairman soon — John Sykes — and he recently spoke out about the organization's emphasis on "connecting with young people" when choosing a new group of inductees.
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