Michigan Black Bears & How You’re Not Supposed To Run From Them
You see that picture. And I'm not supposed to run from that?
That's why I stay out of the woods.
OK, let's back up and start from the beginning.
You ever see something on Facebook and be like, HELL NAW?
I mean, when you see something too good to be true, do your research. Consider the source.
So when I saw this thing (and a couple of times mind you) I had to read it and then see where it came from.
And apparently it's real. From the National Park Service and this article comes from the NPS Facebook page.
Key takeaways from the post include:
- Please don’t run from bears or push your slower friends down in attempts of saving yourself.
- Do NOT run, but if the bear follows, stop and hold your ground.
- Do NOT climb a tree. Both grizzlies and black bears can climb trees.
- Stay calm and remember that most bears do not want to attack you; they usually just want to be left alone.
- Do NOT push down a slower friend (even if you think the friendship has run its course). (NPS)
I see they put that don't push your friends down (your slower friends lol) in there twice. How often is this happening? I mean you hear it and think about it jokingly but who's really sacrificing a friend like this? You might want to rethink that camping trip with your "so called bestie".

And honestly, I'm sure these are all tried and true things that work. And suggested by the National Park Service but come on. In a situation where you happen upon a bear, you aren't going to remember any of this. And none of it will make sense to you. it doesn't really ring true to me now.
Help the bear recognize you as a human. We recommend using your voice. (Waving and showing off your opposable thumb means nothing to the bear) The bear may come closer or stand on its hind legs to get a better look or smell. A standing bear is usually curious, not threatening. (NPS)
Yeah, bump all that.
And in Michigan, you should be relatively safe from a bear encounter unless you're further up north or in the UP. And we only have Black Bears here right?
They are third on the "holy crap it's a bear list" after Polar and Grizzlies.
Black bear are shy by nature. If you were hiking through the woods, a bear would most likely hear you or pick up your scent and run off before you even knew it was there. (Michigan.gov)
You know how I prevent running into bears and avoiding people-bear conflicts? I don't go where they are.
I used to live in Alaska and yeah...the bears there were way more dangerous. And I'm not buying the black bear are gentle, more afraid of us than we are of them thing.
I'll be staying in the city limits.
But, knowing a fair amount of you folks are venturing up north to get away from it all in your new RVs, here's some tips.
Mind you, about 90 percent of the bear live in the Upper Peninsula, while the remaining ten percent are mainly found in the northern Lower Peninsula.
Find out more tips on how to deal with bear encounters from the NATIONAL PARK SERVICE and The State of Michigan.
SEE MORE: Michigan Tunnel of Trees Tour
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