Michigan Movie Theaters, Gyms Could Be Reopening Next Week
I'm not going to lie to you - out of everything, I've missed going to the movies the most.
During a press conference yesterday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that her administration is considering opening up more businesses, such as gyms, movie theaters, and bowling alleys, that have been closed for five months because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whitmer said that her administration is currently working with the health department to "drill down" into businesses that have been closed, "where we can do another assessment on risk mitigation and determine if we might consider making some improvements in the policy."
Casinos in Detroit opened two weeks ago with a 15% capacity limit; however, more businesses up north have been allowed to reopen.
Some of the businesses that have remained closed include amusement parks, arcades, bingo halls, indoor dance areas, skating rinks, trampoline parks, water parks, etc.
It was announced last week that some Michigan bowling alleys have come together to sue Governor Whitmer in an attempt to reopen. Part of their argument is that, if restaurants are allowed to open at a limited capacity, why shouldn't bowling centers be allowed to open?
Whitmer's administration is currently doing risk assessments for the above businesses to determine if it's safe for them to open in a limited capacity. An announcement could come as early as next week.
I totally get both sides of this discussion, but I'm also selfish - I wanna go to the movies, ONLY IF IT'S SAFE TO DO SO. I'll be interested to see what happens next week.

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