Michigan State Police Says 3,250 THC lab reports may be wrong
The Michigan State Police says that 3,250 lab reports on THC toxicology samples in prosecutions may be wrong because of a specific technical issue.
The state police's Forensic Science Department also adds that this issue may affect cases as far back as March 28, 2019.

With this problem, the forensics team says they will temporarily stop the disposal of blood samples so they can be re-analyzed it after a "discrepancy" was found in the lab. The presence of CBD may have led to a positive hit for THC.
When Shanon Banner spoke with The Associated Press states that the suspension will happen:
"As we work to learn more and/or until we can institute another validated method of testing to ensure accuracy."
The next question is will this affect any convictions...
As of now, it is not clear whether any of the convictions may be overturned due to a technical issue.
According to a news release, the individual cases that may be affected
"are being identified and will be shared with the prosecuting attorney of record for further investigation as to any potential impact to the individual involved."
Since 2018, the recreational use of marijuana was legalized for people who are 21 years or old.
However, it is still illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana.
Defense attorney Mike Nichols says that prosecutors still can show evidence of THC in court cases.
"Somebody gets pulled over and there's an accident where someone is hurt or killed. It's been a bigger deal since we went medical in 2008. I get more and more cases."