Monkees React to Davy Jones’ Death
In the wake of Davy Jones’ sudden passing yesterday (Feb. 29), his fans and musical peers have taken to their social media networks of choice to share their sorrow and disbelief — as have Jones’ former bandmates in the Monkees, all of whom have posted public expressions of grief.
“So many lovely and heartfelt messages of condolences and sympathy, I don’t know what to say, except my sincere thank you to all,” wrote Michael Nesmith in a lengthy, eloquent Facebook post. “That David has stepped beyond my view causes me the sadness that it does many of you. I will miss him but I won’t abandon him to mortality. David’s spirit and soul live well in my heart, among all the lovely people, who remember with me the good times, and the healing times, that were created for so many, including us.”
“”I am in a state of shock; Davy and I grew up together and shared in the unique success of what became the Monkees phenomena,” added Micky Dolenz. “The time we worked together and had together is something I’ll never forget. He was the brother I never had and this leaves a gigantic hole in my heart. The memories have and will last a lifetime. My condolences go out to his family.”
“It is with great sadness that I reflect on the sudden passing of my long-time friend and fellow-adventurer, David Jones,” wrote Peter Tork. “His talent will be much missed; his gifts will be with us always. My deepest sympathy to Jessica and the rest of his family. Adios, to the Manchester Cowboy.”
As recently as last year, the Monkees attempted another of their periodic reunions, and although the tour was abruptly canceled, there was no reason to think the band members — all relatively young — wouldn’t reconvene at some point in the future. Jones was only 66 at the time of his death, caused by a heart attack. He is survived by his wife and four daughters.
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