MSU ‘Invites’ Faculty to Volunteer in Dining Halls for No Extra Pay
Staff shortages are real. The struggle to find workers is so pervasive that Michigan State Univesity is asking staff and faculty members to pull shifts in campus dining halls for no extra pay.
The 'ask' came in the form of an 'invitation.'
Vennie Gore, senior vice president for residential and hospitality services and auxiliary enterprises, issued the request.
"Our residential dining halls could use your help to continue serving our campus community. Faculty and staff from around campus are invited to sign up to assist in the dining halls!" Gore said in an email on Monday. "We have specific needs during evenings and weekends. I ask that you share this message with your departments and units."
Wow, give up evenings and weekends to sling hash and wipe tables? They've probably been overwhelmed by the number of volunteers.
Devin Silvia scoffed at the idea when speaking to the Lansing State Journal. Silvia is the director of undergraduate studies in MSU's computational math department.
“I am all about supporting the MSU student community and making sure they have a positive experience," said Silvia. "But at the end of the day, I’m doing that in my own career and questioning whether I’m being sufficiently compensated.”
Kat Cooper, who works in MSU's Hospitality and Food Services Department, tells WILX-TV that fewer students want to work in the dining hall facilities because they have other opportunities to make more money at off-campus restaurants.
Other universities around the state are experieinceing student-staffing shortages as well.