National Day of Giving
It happens every year on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving "National Day of Giving." Today is the day that's been set aside to focus on giving back. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year and a growing catalog of resources.
If your looking for an organization to help here in the neighborhood. Lapeer Area Citizens Against Domestic Assault (LACADA) is a domestic violence emergency shelter and outreach program that serves Lapeer County and their in need of a new roof for their "HOME." LACADA has secured funding for half the roof and needs your help to raise the rest and are asking for help to reach their goal of $10,000 today November 27th. To make a donation go to lacada.org/donate.
Here's more information about Lapeer Area Citizens Against Domestic Assault. LACADA consists of a 19-bed emergency shelter, 9 transitional housing units and an outreach office that is all located within Lapeer County, Michigan. LACADA’s support services have expanded to include; a 24 hour crisis hotline, crisis intervention, domestic violence and sexual assault counseling, support groups, children’s services including a children’s support group, legal advocacy, personal and housing advocacy, employment advocacy, food, clothing, and transportation. All services are delivered based on an empowerment philosophy by which survivors gain power, access to resources and control over their own lives. All services are free and confidential.
If you need help visit lacada.org
Source: lacada.org