Steven Tyler Doesn’t Believe Ric Flair’s Sex Claims
If you're a celebrity stepping off a plane in Los Angeles, you can pretty much guarantee that one of TMZ's camera crews will be nearby waiting for some face time — although as Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler was recently reminded, you never know what they're going to ask you about.
Inspired by one of the tabloid network's recent reports, which quoted wrestling star Ric Flair as saying he'd had sex with something like 10,000 women in his life, a TMZ crew approached Tyler to ask for his thoughts regarding that lengthy alleged list of conquests. And although the singer didn't exactly look thrilled to see cameras waiting in the clip of the conversation that was subsequently posted, he was willing to play along — for a while, anyway.
"Oh, I got him so beat," quipped Tyler between signing autographs. Pointing out that rock stars have an easier time of it when it comes to securing companionship, he backed off when pressed to offer a specific lifetime number, saying he was "too busy getting high" during Aerosmith's wildest years.
Still looking for quotes, the crew asked Tyler what he thought about Flair's additional claim that he'd taken sexual matters into his own hands at least a couple of times a day while maintaining his rigorous schedule — a claim that Tyler said "sounds like Gene Simmons."
The clip ends with the crew following Tyler out to his car while noting that Flair nicknamed his penis "Space Mountain," at which point, he's finally had enough of the conversation. "You know what?" shrugged Tyler. "The guy's full of s---."