‘Strength In Numbers’ Veterans Ride In Columbiaville
A motorcycle ride to benefit veterans will be held on Saturday, July 14th at New Back Door Lounge in Columbiaville. Register from 9 AM to 11 AM and ride out together at 11 AM or leave on your own. Last motorcycle in by 4:30 PM. The cost is $15 per person or $20 per couple. Prizes for the oldest rider, farthest distance and motorcycle with the most miles will be awarded. There will be 50-50 raffle fundraising at each stop with prizes and a raffle for a 15 ½" x 17 ¾” custom framed cross-stitched piece ($5 per ticket or 6 for $20). Breakfast and dinner will be available for a donation will all proceeds benefiting veterans. For more information call Renee at 810-877-3326 or Amy at 810-358-1691 and see below.
9 AM - 11 AM: Registration
9 AM - 11 AM: Breakfast for a donation with all money going to help veterans
4:30 PM: Last motorcycle in
4:30 PM - 6 PM: Dinner for a donation with all money going to help veterans
5 PM: Silent and Live Auction upon return
5 PM: Drawing for Veterans Only - you must be on the ride to get a ticket
5 PM: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Poker Hands will be drawn by 5 PM
New Back Door Lounge is located at 4515 North Lake Road in Columbiaville.