From a couple of working Ataris and Nintendos wired and ready to play on old school TVs, to an actual DMC DeLorean, if you grew up in the 1980s, chances are you owned something on display.
We're assembling pictures of the 80's and we need your help! US1031 is planning an 80's Party at the Lake Inn on June 28th, and we'll pay for your pictures with an invitation to our party,
and enter you to win a $100 gift certificate from the Lake Inn and a pair of tickets to see Motley Crue on their farewell tour at DTE!
We're planning an 80's party for you at The Lake Inn. It will be a night of 80's styles, hair & music! Start planning your hairstyle and wardrobe now, and take the time to send us a great 80's picture at, and you'll be qualified to win a pair of tickets to see Motley Crue at DTE, and a $100 gift certificate to The Lake Inn!