The drunk driving patrols were, as usual, stepped up for the Fourth of July, but would you expect that they would find 236 drunk drivers on Michigan roads?
There were 451arrests for drunk driving in the state over a recent three-week (March 12th -April 7th) impaired driver crackdown by local authorities. Of the 451, almost 20% were charged under the state's high blood alcohol content (BAC) law, with a BAC of .17 or higher! Believe it or not, the number of drunk drivers decreased since last years total of 510 drunk driving arrests.
Police have released a video from a huge brawl from last Saturday night at the Firefest in Lakewood, Ohio. There were a number of people arrested and a few victims were treated for injuries. The brawl reportedly had about 50 participants.
Last Wednesday Lapeer police received more than a dozen calls from Deerfield Pines, a mobile home community next to the County Christian Church complaining that a truck was doing "doughnuts' in the church parking lot and driving through people's yards.