
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
Internet Unsurprisingly Chooses Cat For Newest Monopoly Piece
The public has spoken and Monopoly will cast away the boring old iron token, a symbol of domestic housework from a simpler time (it's not even an electric iron), which has been included in the board game for almost 80 years. In its place will be a cat. Hey, are you really that surprised? The internet loves cats.
‘Grumpy Cat’ Inspires Wonderfully Grumpy Fan Art
‘Grumpy Cat’ Inspires Wonderfully Grumpy Fan Art
‘Grumpy Cat’ Inspires Wonderfully Grumpy Fan Art
We were first introduced to 'Grumpy Cat' a few weeks back, when her hilarious scowl face went viral. Of course this begs the question, "why so grumpy lady kitty?" Maybe "Tard" (the cat's real name) likes being known as the cat with a permanent case of the kitty cat blues. Or maybe she's just ticked her owner keeps sticking a camera in her face. Either way, Tard has gained an im
15 Cats That Hate Halloween
15 Cats That Hate Halloween
15 Cats That Hate Halloween
Few things are better than dressing up our pets. How can you resist a Michael Jackson puppy or an Avengers pug? Costumed pets are probably the best part of Halloween. But just because we love it doesn't mean they do. Especially cats. Who knew these little guys were such Halloween-haters? Check out these 15 cats hating on Halloween
Very Funny Video Of Cats
Very Funny Video Of Cats
Very Funny Video Of Cats
Do you have a case of the mid week blahs? Are you suffering from the 'hump day' blues? I found a video to help with that! Give it a view and have a grin on me. You might just laugh out loud! I did.
Maine Coon & Mountain Lion Standoff in Bolder, Colorado
Maine Coon & Mountain Lion Standoff in Bolder, Colorado
Maine Coon & Mountain Lion Standoff in Bolder, Colorado
I recently went on vacation in Colorado and I have been there a few times -- I have always wanted to see some of the wildlife out there, but never had any luck. Last week in Boulder, Colorado, Zeus -- an 11-year-old Maine Coon -- had the chance to stare down one of his bigger relatives, a young mountain lion. Find out more after the jump.