20 Jarring Photos Showing Massive Cicada Pile in Residential Area20 Jarring Photos Showing Massive Cicada Pile in Residential AreaThey are going to need a whole team of people to clean up this neighborhood.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Cicada Invasion: Is Michigan Bracing For a 221-Year Phenomenon?Cicada Invasion: Is Michigan Bracing For a 221-Year Phenomenon?Michigan could be facing one incredibly loud mega invasion 221 years in the making.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Are There Murder Hornets In Michigan Yet? Are We In Any Real Danger?Are There Murder Hornets In Michigan Yet? Are We In Any Real Danger?They've found MULTIPLE nests out west. Folks claim they have seen them in Michigan. Are we in any real danger?LargeLarge
5 Fun Facts About Cicada Killer Wasps in Michigan5 Fun Facts About Cicada Killer Wasps in MichiganCicada Killer Wasps look and sound dangerous, but do we have anything to worry about?Dana MarshallDana Marshall