Rather than referencing 'My Little Pony' or 'Twilight,' one Texas student decided to use his chance to speak at his high school graduation to come out as gay. *Then* Mitch Anderson started making references -- to Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Zachary Quinto's eyebrows, the chorus of a Nicki Minaj song, etc.
What should've been a fun vacation trip from New York to Atlanta turned nightmarish on Monday morning when an airline kicked a group of 101 Yeshiva students and their eight chaperones off a plane for being rambunctious. The school, however, says the incident was blown way out of proportion and now they're fighting back.
In a tacit admission that Brooklyn has become hopelessly overrun by hipsters, a Jewish Orthodox school in Borough Park recently banned the wearing of "thick plastic eyeglasses" among its student body. No word on whether skinny jeans or lumberjack shirts are next.
This kid's got big brass ones. Or maybe he was just fed up. Actually, we figure it probably requires a combination of both to pull off a stunt like this.
Two Arizona teenagers faced a choice after getting into a fight at Westwood High in Mesa: They could either be suspended for nine days ... or hold hands in front of everybody. Obviously, they chose the latter, and now the school is catching flak for it.
It’s important for school officials to be aware of suspicious behavior among students, but Pekin High School in Illinois is cracking down on even the slightest of offenses.
There are ten of thousands of high school and college commencement speeches every year in America, making it difficult for the speaker to say something particularly original.
However David McCullough, Jr. figured out a unique to make his words stand out when he did the commencement duties at Wellesley High School in Massachusetts.