Uncover the potential damage caused by Giant African Snails seized at Detroit Metro Airport, a true invasive threat to Michigan's crops and residents health.
An insect spotted in Michigan could dramatically impact our states apple, hops, and grape crops. The state asks that you kill the invasive species on site.
An invasive alga known as didymo, or "rock snot," was discovered in Michigan's Au Sable River, raising concerns with environmentalists and the local fishing community.
Ever see one of your trees with so many caterpillars on it you can barely see any bark? Do they leave behind a weird sponge-looking mass? Those, my friend, are gypsy moth caterpillars, and that sponge is actually a mass of their eggs. Yes, it’...
There are growing reports of citizens across the U.S. receiving unsolicited packages from China containing mystery seeds. Here's how to report occurrences and what you are absolutely NOT to do.