Jimmy Fallon.

‘The Force Awakens’ Cast Sings the ‘Star Wars’ Theme A Cappella With Jimmy Fallon
‘The Force Awakens’ Cast Sings the ‘Star Wars’ Theme A Cappella With Jimmy Fallon
‘The Force Awakens’ Cast Sings the ‘Star Wars’ Theme A Cappella With Jimmy Fallon
When you’re out promoting a movie, you’re often asked to do a lot of things, most of them pretty silly. With the amount of press the cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was being asked to do, there were asked to do a lot of silly things, none perhaps as silly as going on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and singing a medley of Star Wars music a cappella. But the entire cast — including Harrison Ford! — actually commits, and it actually turns out to pretty fun.
Hugh Jackman’s Mullet in ‘Chappie’ Is Not the First Time He’s Had a Mullet
Hugh Jackman’s Mullet in ‘Chappie’ Is Not the First Time He’s Had a Mullet
Hugh Jackman’s Mullet in ‘Chappie’ Is Not the First Time He’s Had a Mullet
If you’re in need of about five minutes of Chappie star Hugh Jackman and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon discussing, joking about, and sporting mullets, have we got a clip for you. Jackman stopped by the show last night to talk Chappie – all robots and future and stuff – but Fallon quickly fixated on his favorite element of the entire film: Jackman’s mullet. Turns out, Jackman went full mullet for the role, and it’s actually not the first time he’s grown out his own party in back/business in front coif.
Jimmy Fallon’s Losing Streak Continues as Zoe Kravitz Beats Him at Beer Pong
Jimmy Fallon’s Losing Streak Continues as Zoe Kravitz Beats Him at Beer Pong
Jimmy Fallon’s Losing Streak Continues as Zoe Kravitz Beats Him at Beer Pong
Should we be worried about Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon? The late night chatterbox has spent the last year of his life winning all sorts of wacky, mostly oversized games on his show, but lately, things have been going pretty downhill. In short, he’s lost, a lot, and no one seems more confused about it than Fallon himself.
Ice T Has a Lot of Opinions About ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Ice T Has a Lot of Opinions About ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Ice T Has a Lot of Opinions About ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
“Fifty Shades of Grey? That’s nothing!” It’s fair to assume that the last thing most people – even most late night hosts – would ask Ice T should they have him locked in a conversation is how he feels about Fifty Shades of Grey. Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon is not most people, and when Ice T (Ice? Mr. T?) appeared on his show last night, Fallon asked him about America’s current cultural obsession. Ice T had some opinions! They’re kind of great!
SNL 40: Jimmy Fallon Recaps the After Party, With Lots of Name-Dropping
SNL 40: Jimmy Fallon Recaps the After Party, With Lots of Name-Dropping
SNL 40: Jimmy Fallon Recaps the After Party, With Lots of Name-Dropping
The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon might be prone to brief spats of name-dropping – hey, the guy knows a lot of people! – but on last night’s show, it was at least somewhat appropriate. Still recovering from Sunday night’s SNL 40 super special, Fallon was eager to share his recollections of the evening with his studio audience (and also Questlove, who was actually there, but who charitably recounted the whole evening with the giddy Fallon). There were a lot of people there!
Hugh Grant Cheats at ‘Tonight Show’ Hallway Golf in Front of a Live Television Audience
Hugh Grant Cheats at ‘Tonight Show’ Hallway Golf in Front of a Live Television Audience
Hugh Grant Cheats at ‘Tonight Show’ Hallway Golf in Front of a Live Television Audience
Stay with this one. On last night's 'Tonight Show,' Hugh Grant appeared to chat about various things -- including his new Valentine's Day-timed rom-com release, 'The Rewrite' -- before joining in on a spirited game of Hallway Golf with host Jimmy Fallon and special guest Charles Barkley. Despite a slow start -- it appears that no one really understands the rules or even cares about them -- this game eventually does pick up.
‘Fifty Shades’ Star Dakota Johnson Tries to Make Fanny Packs Sound Sexy With Jimmy Fallon
‘Fifty Shades’ Star Dakota Johnson Tries to Make Fanny Packs Sound Sexy With Jimmy Fallon
‘Fifty Shades’ Star Dakota Johnson Tries to Make Fanny Packs Sound Sexy With Jimmy Fallon
The upcoming 'Fifty Shades of Grey' feature might not be everyone's cup of sexy tea, but leading lady Dakota Johnson would like to at least attempt to change the minds of potential viewers who don't think that anything—yes, anything—can be sexy with the right attitude. On last night's 'Tonight Show,' Johnson was tasked with reading off a series of decidedly unsexy lines, including stuff about Chapstick (?) and sweatpants (?) in an attempt to make them alluring.

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