30+ Michigan Lake Names That Could Inspire a Horror Movie Title30+ Michigan Lake Names That Could Inspire a Horror Movie TitleThese inland Michigan lake names range from weird, creepy to scary.Nathan ReedNathan Reed
Eerie Beauty Lies at the Bottom of This Sinkhole in Otsego County, MichiganEerie Beauty Lies at the Bottom of This Sinkhole in Otsego County, MichiganTake a look at the article and some pictures of this sinkhole named 'Lost Lake'.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Lake That Appears…and Disappears: Presque Isle County, MichiganThe Lake That Appears…and Disappears: Presque Isle County, MichiganTourists are welcome to visit here, but advise you walk with caution. Have a look...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
More Images of the “Alien-esque” Bottom of Michigan’s Middle Island SinkholeMore Images of the “Alien-esque” Bottom of Michigan’s Middle Island SinkholeHere are more photos of some of the truly weird formations and growths in this Lake Huron sinkhole...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Meet The Michigan Forager Taking Over The Mushroom Side of TikTokMeet The Michigan Forager Taking Over The Mushroom Side of TikTokWhen it comes to mushrooms , Michigan is a perfect place to find them! This Michigan-based forager is teaching foraging tips, tricks and safety on TikTok.Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Michigan Backyard Discoveries: Ever See This Fun-Looking Fungi?Michigan Backyard Discoveries: Ever See This Fun-Looking Fungi?Their scientific name basically translates to "wolf farts" making them as funny as they look...what else do you know about these Michigan mushrooms?Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Seven of the Most Scenic Hiking Trails in MichiganSeven of the Most Scenic Hiking Trails in MichiganThink we missed any? Feel free to share your favorite hiking trails you think every Pure Michigander should see! Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle