The Ghost Town of Filion, in the Michigan ThumbThe Ghost Town of Filion, in the Michigan ThumbFilion is off the beaten track, in an isolated area of Michigan's thumb and undiscovered by many Michiganders.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Where Was the First McDonald’s in Michigan?Where Was the First McDonald’s in Michigan?First in Michigan and one of America's first. Here are details...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Michigan’s Oldest, Still-Operating RestaurantMichigan’s Oldest, Still-Operating RestaurantThis landmark Michigan eatery hit its 193rd birthday in 2024...and still operating...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Abandoned Flint Mobile Home Park, Before & After DemolitionThe Abandoned Flint Mobile Home Park, Before & After DemolitionThis park was in serious deterioration before it was demolished....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
A Once-Booming Village: Brinton, Michigan is Now a Shadow TownA Once-Booming Village: Brinton, Michigan is Now a Shadow TownThis hidden Michigan ghost town has no businesses left and only a few residences. Here's some history and the location...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Ghost Town of Central Mine: Keweenaw Peninsula, MichiganThe Ghost Town of Central Mine: Keweenaw Peninsula, MichiganAfter an 1872 tragedy, the mine closed in the summer of 1898.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
A Gallery of Michigan Ghost Towns, 1870-1930A Gallery of Michigan Ghost Towns, 1870-1930The great thing about Michigan Ghost Towns is - wherever you are in the state, there's always one nearby. Take a look at this gallery...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Abandoned Michigan Paper Company: 1905-2004Abandoned Michigan Paper Company: 1905-2004One of Michigan's most dangerous abandoned places, thanks to the contamination. Take a look at the gallery...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
An Old Abandoned Service Station with Cars Left Inside, SaginawAn Old Abandoned Service Station with Cars Left Inside, SaginawThis service station closed up, abandoning three cars inside. Here are some photos...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
PART THREE: Michigan’s Vintage Gas Stations, 1920s-1960sPART THREE: Michigan’s Vintage Gas Stations, 1920s-1960sHere are 20 more old Michigan gas stations going back 100 years...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Photo Gallery: The Huron Mountains, Upper PeninsulaPhoto Gallery: The Huron Mountains, Upper PeninsulaIf you've never been to Michigan's Huron Mountains, these photos may inspire you...have a look...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Inside the Deserted House of the ‘Cat Lady’, SaginawInside the Deserted House of the ‘Cat Lady’, SaginawShe had 100 cats...a leopard...and possibly a panther. Now take a look inside the old mansion of the late 'Cat Lady' of Saginaw before its restoration...John RobinsonJohn Robinson