Doctor’s Pull 4 Foot Snake From Woman’s Throat [VIDEO]Doctor’s Pull 4 Foot Snake From Woman’s Throat [VIDEO]Don't sleep with your mouth open.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Hot Chick Breaks Ankle After Jumping Into Frozen Lake [VIDEO]Hot Chick Breaks Ankle After Jumping Into Frozen Lake [VIDEO]This is going to leave a mark.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Cannibal Couple Accused Of Skinning and Eating 30 People [VIDEO]Cannibal Couple Accused Of Skinning and Eating 30 People [VIDEO]As if it is not bad enough that a Russian couple ate human beings, they may have also served human meat to friends. Ugh.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Total Baller – Watch How This Guy Gets Around Town [VIDEO]Total Baller – Watch How This Guy Gets Around Town [VIDEO]Commuting this way is definitely not for me! I am way to claustrophobic to roll around the streets in a ball. This guy however, seems to have it down!Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Many Americans Say Sochi Was Poor Choice for Winter OlympicsMany Americans Say Sochi Was Poor Choice for Winter OlympicsIn a new poll, almost half of Americans surveyed say the decision to hold the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia was a poor one.Kristine BellinoKristine Bellino
Russian Navy Hovercraft Docks At Crowded Beach [VIDEO]Russian Navy Hovercraft Docks At Crowded Beach [VIDEO]Could you imaging swimming on the beach and seeing this massive hovercraft coming straight for you?Jeremy FenechJeremy Fenech
Man Saves Dog After Leash Gets Stuck In Elevator Door [VIDEO]Man Saves Dog After Leash Gets Stuck In Elevator Door [VIDEO]A security camera in Russia captured what could have been a horrific accident. Thankfully, a Good Samaritan was there to prevent the unthinkable from happening.Jeremy FenechJeremy Fenech
Beatles Still Blamed by Russian Officials for ‘Recreational Drug Use Increase’Beatles Still Blamed by Russian Officials for ‘Recreational Drug Use Increase’According to a Russian health official, the youth of his country have a major drug problem — and it all goes back to those darn Beatles.Jeff GilesJeff Giles
Russian Soldiers Have Super Macho Pillow Fight [VIDEO]Russian Soldiers Have Super Macho Pillow Fight [VIDEO]Just a couple dozen Russian army regulars beating the crap out of each other with pillows. What’s manlier than that? Watch the fun below. Paul CiampanelliPaul Ciampanelli